Saturday 26 February 2011

The Start!

Here we go again. Yet another attempt to lose weight and get fit. I've tried so many times in the past and failed each time so what's going to make this time any different? Well I don't know, if I'm honest. I just feel different this time. I also have a 'carrot on a stick' incentive, in the form of a holiday to Florida (hence the title) which our family is planning for Easter of 2012 and I have to be of normal weight for that.  :dance:

I'm 47 and fed up. Fed up of being fat and feeling frumpy. I've been fed up often enough before but I've finally got to 'that' point where I'm ready to do something about it now. 

I figured a blog might help keep me focused and would track my progress so that on days where I'm struggling (and I expect there will be several), I can look back and still see progress which will help encourage me.

My new fitness routine actually started nearly a week ago, on Monday 21st February 2011. A few days before, I saw many posts on a chat forum discussing the c25k (couch to 5 k) program. This is a gradual introduction to running which is designed to help people of all levels of fitness become fitter and more proficient at running. "Perfect", I thought. "I can do that". Only I couldn't. My first outing on the gym treadmill consisted of me wheezing my way through a slow speed walk! It was debatable whether my face was redder from exertion or embarrassment and I'm sure my breathing was louder and more raspy than the gym extraction fan. Day 1 was not a huge success!

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